Autor: bassmann

  • 54 Superstition

    Tonart E Intro Git. Verse-Prechorus-Chorus Verse-Prechorus-Chorus Git- Solo (verse) Verse-Prechorus-Chorus End ( Riff 2 x Sax/Git – 1 xGit) Very superstitious, Writing’s on the wall, Very superstitious, Ladders bout‘ to fall, Thirteen month old baby, Broke the lookin‘ glass Seven years of bad luck, The good things in your past When you believe in things…

  • 19 Sweet home Chicago

    Tonart E Intro Git. Verse / Refrain Verse / Refrain + Breake 1+1=2 Verse / Refrain Solo Sax / Key + Breake 6+6=9 Verse / Refrain Verse / Refrain Solo Git. mit Ende Come on, oh baby, don’t you wanna go? Come on, oh baby, don’t you wanna go Back to that same old place…

  • 20 Stand by me

    Tonart Fm Intro Drum + Bass Verse – Chorus Verse – Chorus Solo SAX Verse – Chorus Solo Git Chorus – Chorus When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we’ll see No, I won’t be afraid, oh, I won’t be afraid Just as long as…